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Brand campaign helps you find the right craftsman.

"Een goed begin, is de juiste vakman". That’s why we got off to a good start with our new campaign for and A campaign for both the Dutch and French market. The entire commercial was played back in reverse, which makes it end up at the beginning: finding the right craftsman. In addition to the TV commercial, we also developed radio commercials and online videos. Versions were also made for the B2B market.

Schermafbeelding 2020 08 26 om 09 24 49 Play.

The speed and efficiency of The Family was outstanding. In just two and a half months, we went from nothing to a large cross-media campaign. It’s something agencies tend to say, but fortunately The Family Amsterdam really made good on this promise.

Jules Hooijer
Brandmanager at Werkspot
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Schermafbeelding 2020 08 26 om 09 24 29
Schermafbeelding 2020 08 26 om 09 24 18
Schermafbeelding 2020 08 26 om 09 23 53
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