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Klaverblad Verzekeringen

Brand campaign

New campaign gives the Klaverblad brand a familiar face again.

Develop an all-new campaign that still retains the authentic Klaverblad feeling. That was Klaverblad’s assignment for us. Klaverblad is represented by people who help people. We worked together to create a campaign that still shows the Klaverblad mentality, but now with a primary focus on its customers. In the first campaign, the familiar Klaverblad board members sometimes pop up outside of the company’s office. "Als je maar lang genoeg gewoon blijft, word je vanzelf bijzonder", and we at The Family Amsterdam are happy to be a part of that! We executed the campaign through TV commercials, online videos, banners and radio commercials.

Schermafbeelding 2020 08 26 om 09 13 52 Play.
Klaverblad ALL 40 30 reedits UHD graded v02 875368
Kl Bl 6169 01 Play.

In our previous campaigns, we mainly showed who we are by talking about what we don’t do. We were looking for a way to tell people what we do do, without losing that authentic Klaverblad feeling. The Family Amsterdam has shown that they understand us very well indeed.

Jacinta Gelauff
Marketing Manager at Klaverblad Insurance